Being back with the truck has been a huge psychological
boost for the past week for both of us, but at the same time I am not able to
say that it has improved our enjoyment of India too much. The biggest
difference of course is not having to lug all of our large bags around with us
all of the time, and constantly keep an eye on them while using public
transport. Of course being able to cook clean, safe, and most of all familiar
food is also a fantastic draw to the truck.
From Amritsar , where we were at the end of the last post,
the truck travelled back to Delhi. Delhi was already familiar territory for
most of us that had missed out on Pakistan, as it had been our point of arrival
into the country.
Having ticked off both the India gate and the government
buildings on our first visit to Delhi, we were left with 2 main sights that we
wanted to see in the 3 days that we had available; The Red Fort and the Lotus
With the heat being much greater down in Delhi than it had
been up in the mountains, we had set ourselves the target of visiting one site
per day before heading back to the hotel to miss the main heat of the day. So
during our first full day we made our way to the Red Fort, and unknowingly our
first main disappointment. The entrance fee to the fort was the first bone of
contention for me, as locals are required to pay 10 Rupees (around 12p) while
foreign tourists must pay 250 Rupees (just over £3). Not a lot I am aware, but
I am really not a fan of inequality on any level.
The Red Fort from where it can be best appreciated...outside!
The fort itself was not what we had expected. More of a
“palace” than a fort, the red outer walls were filled with lots of smaller
buildings built independently from the main structure, and a lot of those
weren’t even open to the public. Areas where channels and pools of water should
have been were bone dry, which sucked the atmosphere out of the site. In short,
what was left was a bit of a bore and a mediocre morning out.
Our second day out and our trip to the Lotus Temple proved
to be a lot more interesting. The temple itself was constructed in 1986 (it was
a good year!) by the people of the Baha’i faith. As a religion the Baha’i
believe that all of the world’s religions have the same god, and that they only
differ due to the social requirements of the time that they were “born”. In my
religious ignorance, I spent half an hour convinced that I was talking to some
Buddhists before I spotted the error of my ways. When asked what I believe in,
my not very constructive but genuinely honest answer was “I quite like football
The Lotus Temple
The temple itself was very strikingly constructed in the
shape of a lotus flower, but from the wrong angle it could easily be confused
for a section of the Sydney Opera House. Inside the decoration was mostly
plain, as the temple is more of a quiet place for people of any religion,
rather than being decorated to pay homage to any one particular faith.
By this stage it was good for me to be rediscovering real food after our
illness, although Vicky was still struggling, and one of the main attractions
of Delhi is that there is a huge range of restaurants and places to eat. India
is billed as the most vegetarian friendly country in the world, and it
certainly backs up that claim without any shadow of a doubt. In fact at least
50% of the restaurants you come across in the major cities are vegetarian only,
a nice change from some of the struggles I’ve had finding vegetarian food
At this point in the journey, we picked up two more
passengers to add to our merry band. Gabriel and Yara are both from Vienna, and
decided to join the trip at this stage after the truck had been through Iran
and Pakistan. Welcome both of you to the truck, and we both hope you enjoy your
journey with us.
From Delhi, we continued our way
East and headed to Mcleod Ganj. Being back up at a higher altitude was a
pleasant experience, as naturally the temperature was around 10C lower than
down on the plains.
The view from our room in Mcleod Gange. One of the better views you will get in a cheap hotel!
Mcleod Ganj is the home of the
exiled Tibetan Government, and so seeing the Buddhist monks wandering the
streets became a very common sight. The town is known for it’s spiritualist and
relaxing qualities, with plenty of adverts for meditation and yoga classes
being plastered on the walls. The reality for me though was that there was
simply no place to relax or even hear yourself think there. The town was packed
with tourists (both Indian escaping the heat of the plains as well as
foreigners), and the traffic was exceptionally heavy. The first day that we
arrived the Dali Lamah was in town, and that only added to the people that had
flocked into the hills.
Anywhere in India that there is
traffic means that there is also noise. The horn of a vehicle out here is used
to signify that you are overtaking another vehicle as well as when you are
angry or something is in the way, and when the road is crammed with everything
from bicycle rickshaws to trucks there is never a moment when a horn is not
blowing. Many of the motorcycles and scooters out here are fitted with car
horns to give them that extra punch. As a result, headaches are a daily
occurrence whenever you are near traffic.
No seats available! This is certainly one way to travel in the country with the 2nd largest population in the world.
With there being actually very
little to do other than “find yourself” in the town, we spent most of the 3
days trying to improve our physical health. I unfortunately had a relapse, and
struggled for 3 days with an intense pain in the right hand half of my stomach.
2 other members of the group also came down with the same mystery pain, and to
this day none of the 3 of us actually know what was wrong!
Jaipur however was a turning point for us. In total I
thought that the hotel there was the best one we have had since we stayed in
the Raj’s Palace back in Mandi, with clean modern rooms and a great rooftop
restaurant. The food here was excellent, and it was at this point that Vicky
was really able to start eating properly again which was a huge relief. My
stomach pain cured itself, and duly my appetite also returned.
The main feature that we visited while in Jaipur was the
Amber Fort, and excellently it was everything that the Red Fort in Delhi was
not. Situated on top of a large hill around 11km from our hotel, Vicky, David
and I took an auto rickshaw (or tuk tuk) to the bottom of the hill, where
elephant rides up the hill were available if you desired them. We decided to
save our money and walk. During the rickshaw ride, the driver actually gave
Vicky the opportunity to drive us while the roads were quiet, and she was ably
capable (after some short instruction) of navigating us around a couple of
obstacles while she drove for a few kilometres.
Elephant rides in front of the Amber Fort with David looking on
As a side note I will at this stage say that auto rickshaws
are the most amusing and enjoyable way to get around the cities, even if there
is always a slight feeling of peril while you are in them (in a funny way it
adds to the enjoyment). They seem to have their own personality as the cheeky
chappy of the streets as they dodge and weave while enjoying their fair share
of near misses! Sometimes you forget that they only have 3 wheels with the
aggressive cornering manoeuvres that the drivers pull. While the bicycle rickshaws
are cheaper and more environmentally friendly (not friendly to the poor fellow
that has to peddle us for half an hour in the 45C heat though) they are both
slower and lacking in that certain entertainment factor.
Vicky takes the controls from the rickshaw driver
Getting back to the point, the Amber fort was actually a great
example of 17th Century architecture that was used in it’s day as
both a palace and a defence structure. Pretty much all of the structure was
available to the public to explore, and we had excellent fun following the
corridors, tunnels and stairs to see what we could find. From the open areas
near the top of the fort, some great views down the hillside were available,
looking out across the lake at the bottom of the hill.
The security guards in the fort however know how to make a bit
of money on the side, by acting as impromptu tour guides for the more tucked
away or hidden areas of the fort. They lead you into an area that you might not
have explored, try and take your photo while you are there, and then hold out
their hand for the donation to their back pocket that they would like from you.
I’m guessing not too many people don’t give money to the man with the big
rifle! You soon learn however that by refusing to follow them does not mean
that you cannot explore the area by yourself, saving you a small charge on a
frequent basis. We were left to laugh at the sign on the wall that says “please
do not tip the staff”!
Vicky in the Amber Fort
Our time in Jaipur was over quicker than we would have liked
it to have been, and sure enough we found ourselves on the road in the
direction of Agra, famous of course for the Taj Mahal. During our drive there
we decided to stop at Fatenpur Sikri, which is an abandoned city with a mosque
and palace, and it has now of course been turned into a tourist attraction. Now
throughout this journey we have never been far away from touts, beggars and
salesmen (I will talk about those in greater depth later), but this one day in
particular was simply unbelievable and unbearable at the same time. For the
entire 2 hours that we were off of the bus, we were plagued by anybody and
everybody that thought they could get some money out of us. People offering to
drive you in their rickshaw, people wanting stupid amounts of money to act as
your tour guide, people trying to sell you novelty pens and other gifts and of
course the ones that just bluntly say “give me money”. I will be honest and say
that by the end of the 2 hours I’m not quite sure how I didn’t completely lose
it with somebody! Really it completely ruined the day, and neither of us were
able to take any form of enjoyment from the buildings at all.

The entrance to the mosque at Fatenpur Sikri
I will at this point make a direct comparison with Iran. In
Iran, you will have countless number of people offering to show you local areas
or monuments and give you information about them. They do this because they are
proud of their country and their heritage, and they want you to know more about
it, and they are more than happy just to stand and talk to you. In India,
plenty of people will also come and talk to you about their local areas and
monuments, but they do it because they want to get something out of you and it
is completely selfish. There are as far as I can see 2 reasons that this is
likely: 1) Iran, although cheap to us, is actually a very well off country with
only 3% of it’s population living below the national poverty line, and so
comparatively people do not need the money. 2) Iran is by comparison starved of
tourism, and it is still largely free from the greed and corruption that mass
tourism can bring. India however is a country that attracts tourists from all
over the world, and that unfortunately brings out the worst in people that have
little or nothing.
It was at this very place that a man who claimed to work at
the mosque “just to help people understand the dynamics of his religion”
decided to explain why the temple that existed there was created, and to show
me how it was built. He would repeatedly say to me “Do not worry, I will ask no
money of you. I am a religious man and one of the 5 pillars of our religion is
charity. I will ask no money”. Suddenly he offered to show me something
else….his shop, where unsurprisingly he became a very aggressive salesman! After
a long time and a lot of negotiations I bought a small item from him, but that
apparently was not enough. As I turned to leave he grabbed me roughly by the
wrist and tried to sell me 2 more items, even having the cheek to tell me that
I must have spent a lot of money to come to India and that I would not miss a
bit more money. Needless to say he got nothing else from us. Religious my
The lengths that people will go to get money out here are
outrageous. Many of the beggars on the streets are actually working for a
syndicate, with the money that they beg actually going to a ringleader behind
it all. Women who carry young children to use as a persuasive tool for you to
give money for milk often do not even have a connection with that child, and
they have been given the child as a prop. For those that cannot get cold hard
cash, there are scams where beggars will ask for food and then sell the food
you buy them back to the vender spitting the cost with the vender. Finally
there is the hardest type to deal with mentally; those that mutilate their body
and ask for money for medical care which of course they never seek. On one
occasion we were confronted by a man who had clearly sliced the top of his foot
off (the wound was far too perfect to be an accident), but you know that there
is a high chance that he will only spend the money you give him on drugs with
which there is a large problem here. It is a very sad state because you know
that some of the people that approach you will be genuine, and it feels so
alien not to give help and to remain so cynical, but you know that if you give
to one person everybody else in that area will expect the same treatment.
The next day, feeling slightly calmer, we headed out early
to visit the Taj Mahal before all of the tourists arrived. It is a shame that
so many of the guidebooks and blogged reviews set the bar so high for India’s
top (and most expensive) attraction, as it meant the reality of “the building
that can’t fail to blow you off your feet” was that it was just “pretty
impressive”. It goes without question that it is one of the most attractive
buildings in the world, and the quality of it’s architecture is indeed superb,
but it just lacked that feeling of being slapped around the face and saying
“WOW!” that everybody claims is inevitable. The story behind the building is
undeniably romantic though, with the King building the palace as a tomb for his
favourite wife who died following the birth of their 14th child. Her
burial chamber is the central feature to the building that was made with
perfect symmetry (a fake mosque actually exists on the site to mirror the real
mosque on the opposite side. Of course only one of them can be facing Mecca,
and so that is the real mosque) A number of years later, the King’s body was
actually laid to rest about 2 metres from the burial chamber of his wife.

Us at India's prized asset, the Taj Mahal
From Agra we were due to have a routine day of driving,
stopping to camp in the wild, and then a further day driving to reach our final
Indian destination, Varanasi. Things for the first time in the trip however
didn’t quite go to plan…
After 8 hours of being on the road we finally spotted a good
place to pull the truck over and camp for the night. As soon as we stopped the
normal routine of cleaning the truck and cooking the dinner began. One addition
to the party however was a crowd of at least over 100 people. Trucks and buses
were pulling over at the side of the road to come and join the group of locals
staring at what we were doing. We tried to appear friendly and welcoming,
despite the fact we were all feeling uncomfortable with the number and
proximity of our guests. Jaymo even resorted to juggling the potatoes we were
cooking to keep them entertained. Curiosity we decided had got the better of
them, and they must simply just want to see what we were doing as they seemed
happy just watching us cook. With the crowd of people ever encroaching we were
forced to put anything that did not need to be out of the truck away, and to
keep a very close eye on anything that we did have out. By the time dinner was
served an hour and a half later, only a small percentage of the group had gotten
bored and left. It was at this point that things took a turn for the worse.
While we were sitting eating a stone came sailing through the air and hit Vicky
on the back. We turned round angrily and after a few words we decided it was
probably just one of the children doing something stupid and that the rest of
the locals would pull them into line. It was however the start of something
that would not stop, as stones started flying in every 20 seconds or so.
Several of the group were hit, but suffered only small bruises, while one stone
of a reasonable size narrowly missed my head (if it had hit I have no doubt
that I would have required stitches). After trying desperately to shoo the
crowd away, a few determined individuals had stayed and continued to rain stones
down on us and we made the only decision that we could; we had to pack up and
leave heading on to Varanasi that night. Jaymo was one of the few people who
had already put his tent up, but when he went to take it down he found that one
of the locals had cut the supporting rope attached to the side of his tent. I
cannot see any reason for the way that we were treated, and really it
compounded the bad feelings I have had for a lot of the local people over the
last week especially. I don’t want to generalise and give all Indians a bad
name, but it certainly shows how a number of stupid or greedy people can damage
the reputation of a whole nation.

Panoramic view of one side of the truck, while the locals were still playing friendly!
Varanasi is a very strange city in that it’s culture and
it’s population are mostly focused around death. The Ganges river runs through
the city, and it’s holy waters are used for everything from bathing to floating
funeral pyres. Any people that die in Varanasi are, according to our guide
book, automatically granted enlightenment and therefore many people come to the
city to live out their final days. There are 2 areas (or ghats) on the banks of
the river that are dedicated to burning the dead, and the fires are seen
throughout the whole of the day here. There are certain people who are not
burnt however, and these include children, pregnant women, victims of cobra
bites, holy men and leprosy sufferers. The bodies of these people are wrapped
in a fabric and cast into the holy water of river, along with the bodies of
cows, dogs and birds which are all considered important here. During our boat
ride earlier today, it was rather disconcerting to see a human body floating by
as we rowed upstream. Yet all of the locals still come to bathe, swim and wash
their clothes in the river despite its incredibly harmful water quality.

One of the burning areas on the river banks taken from a distance. You can see 2 of the fires on the right hand side of the picture.
I know that what I have written about India has been from a
negative position, but I think it is only fair to say that India had it’s card
marked down really just by the time of year we are here, and the places we have
visited. We have arrived at the hottest time of year, with temperatures reaching
a high of 49C, and the humidity making it even more uncomfortable. The
temperatures also fuel the viruses that have made us ill and irritable, and
during the cooler months these issues would be far less problematic. We have
travelled to all of the touristy places, and seen where people are most
corrupt. Tomorrow we head into Nepal, and hopefully back to positivity!
We will leave you with this cheeky pair eating a banana. While they may look cute, the monkeys here can be a real nuisance and are one of the main carriers of rabies. They will try and take food and anything that looks of interest to them.